Large Cold War game report
A large multiplayer battle report with NATO vs WARPAC, with an airborne assault across a canal. We used Sabre Squadron rules for this game Click the following link to view the after action report and pictures.
A large multiplayer battle report with NATO vs WARPAC, with an airborne assault across a canal. We used Sabre Squadron rules for this game Click the following link to view the after action report and pictures.
This was effectively our first game playing Modern Spearhead and I wrote a battle report about it. The game was between Cold War British and Soviets. Unfortunately we haven't followed up with any more as it seems like a system that will be more rewarding after a few games.
Click the following link to view the after action report and review.
This was a typical encounter game between Soviet Motor Rifle forces and a British Armoured squadron. Click the following link to view the after action report.
This was about our fourth game using these rules so this report is a combination Battle report and review. The game was between South Africans and Soviets and was an Attack Defence game. Click the following link to view the after action report and review.
An annual tournament which was run again in the beginning of 2014. The format was more relaxed and there was some efforts to modify the WRG rules and improve on them. The report this time is more of a gallery with limited comments or turn by turn action. Because we were play testing no one was really keeping track of the score or of the progress during the games including myself.
Click the following link to view the 2014 after action report.
This year we ran another WRG Moderns competition, this time with a cutoff year of 1985 but open to all nations. Another change was the reduction of points from 35000pts to 3000pts (10500pts to 9000pts in an
Encounter game). The reason for this was that hopefully smaller armies would mean more chance of the games coming to a conclusion and generally that worked well. There were 8 players over 4 tables with 14 games played over the weekend.
Click the following link to view the 2013 after action report.
Page two of the report is located here
Another Cold War themed tournament with 10 players held in Feburary 2012. This time we had a NATO vs WARPAC theme and all the games were NATO vs WAPAC with 5
players on each side. Due to a couple of last minute dropouts the Swedes joined with WARPAC forces to make the numbers even. Unlike the 2011 I managed to capture
a lot more photos and so did other people which meant we have a lot of pictures for this report.
Click the following link to view the 2012 after action report.
An 8 player tournament using armies of the cold war period (up to 1979). This was a 2 day tournament and this AAR shows
some of the figures and terrain in use. Unfortunately a lot of the photos didnt come out very well so it is a mixed bag of images!
Click the following link to view the After action report.
A multi player microarmour game
based on a fictional cold war battle in 1985. The forces consisted of Britsh and US forces vs East Germans and Soviets and the forces vehicles were a mix of GHQ,
CNC, Navwar and Scotia.
Click the following link to view the battle report
and part 2 of the report.
A 200th anniversary battle report from a large refight of this famous battle. This was large club project fought at my local club (The Auckland Wargames club) and we used the Grand Armee rules.
Click the following link to view the report.
One of our first games of Fast Play Grand Armee, with French vs Austrians in a non historical scenario. Click the following link to view the report.
A larger game of Fast Play Grand Armee, with French vs Austrians and some newly painted Prussians in another non historical scenario.
Click the following link to view the report.
Gaming reports from some Scramble games we have played over the years. This is our groups favourite set of WW2 air rules and they have a good balance between playability and technical details. We find early and mid war games better as the defense fatcors on late war aircraft are much higher in the rules, and therefore harder to hit.
Attack on the Party HQ. An Eastern Front game involving
the Luftwaffe and the Soviet airforce.
These are a series of games based on our campaign rules that we use. All the games that we are playing were from the early days of the Malta campaign (1940 -41) between the British and Italians. Hopefully one one we will resume this campaign as it has always been very good games.
Game One of our Campaign. A simple fighter on fighter game with the RAF and Fleet Air Arm vs the Luftwaffe and Regia Aeronautica.
Game Two of our Campaign. A naval attack by the FAA on a merchant ship, defended by Italian fighters.