Modern Spearhead Cold War Moderns Game Report
Firstly, this battle report is a bit patchy, as I got so involved in the game I forgot to take photos or record a lot information.
This was effectively our first game of Modern Spearhead and we decided to use the great Scenario Generation system developed by Keith in the SH community. We went with the recommended
800pts and the Options A or B. I chose 1980s British Armoured and my opponent went for 80s Soviets Armoured. My forces consisted of 2 FV432 Battalions with an attachment company of Chieftain in each.
I also purchased some off board Abbots and M109s and with the few left over points I brought some Blowpipes in Spartan. The Russian had 3 battalions of mixed T64A and B versions and a Battalion
of BMP1P, off-board 152mm guns and some aircraft (which never appeared).
Neither of us were well prepared and we probably spent 1 1/2 hours devising army lists, figuring out the scenario generation system, blue tacking vehicles to bases and orders. I'm sure next time
it will be a lot faster and we could have done a lot more preparation beforehand.
Click on the thumbnails to see the full sized image
Getting going!

Before orders were written we placed 3 objective markers per player (the yellow fuzzy balls in the photos). The British deployed first and due to the type of encounter game, and placed an HQ down first and forward of the other starting battalion. Having 2 battalions made the orders rather simple, while the Russian player went for a more complicated plan, with a timed flank march (that never made it on the table). The first turn was simple with no shooting because we were outside spotting range.
First turn deployment

My first mistake as the British player was deploying a Battalion behind and inside a town and then spending 3-4 turn trying to get them out again. On the other flank the second British Battalion faced off against 2 T-64 Tanks battalions, and 4 Chieftains vs 14 T64s didn't seem like a very good contest!
First turn

The Russian Tank Battalions advanced in 2 large clumps while the BMP battalion advanced towards the main town in the center. The British force split slightly with a few vehicle driving through the woods to the crossroads to capture an objective. Everyone was on Attack orders and the flank march was not ready yet.
Second turn

On the second turn the action heated up. A couple of Soviet recce stands advanced well ahead of their main unit and this allowed the British to spot and shoot them. Scimitars and Chieftains opened up and destroyed them. The rest of the Soviet forces were still advancing and remained outside of spotting range. The BMP Battalion advanced into position to begin unloading their troops.
Third turn

The next turn saw the Soviets use one of their BMPs at the back of the town to pop out and destroyed an empty FV432 with its 30mm autocannon. Another BMP fired its AT-5 Spandrel missile and destroy a HQ Chieftain, while one of the hull down Chieftains was also knocked out. The British turn was less effective which their forces reeling for the fire. However the Scimitar had slowly been sneaking around the edge of a hill and know had a clear shot on the BMP2 by the center forest. Their 30mm cannon managed to destroy one BMP while the other 2 were knocked out from the hull down Chieftains. This forced a morale check on the Soviet BMP platoon and they failed dropping one level.
Remaining turns

The fifth turn was a little quieter with BMP at the back shooting at the British infantry suppressing 1 base and neutralising another. Also a couple of BMPs in the town had moved forward and took a shot at the FV432 and destroyed one. This was followed up with a Soviet infantry assault through the forest into the FV432 platoon. This was repelled (just) and that was probably due to the British infantry being in a reasonably healthy state and passing all their morale tests. Both sides lost 1 base and a Soviet base was neutralised.
Although the setup took a long time, once we got going the game was enjoyable and the rules and turn sequence were easy to remember. Later in the game we started to use better tactics as we figured out some of the rules nuances. I even had some flashbacks to my days of playing WW2 Spearhead.