Cold war moderns game report
Continued on from part one.
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The right flank
More NATO M60s by H&R
The current position

This shows an overview after about 6-7 game turns. The Warpact forces had been advancing quite cautiously and were still to reach the halfway mark and the field defences. The recce forces have reached the
middle of the table and the minefields.
The Warsaw pact forces are advancing slowly and prefer to have a long range shooting match with the Nato forces. Meanwhile the East German attack has stalled as the T72 Company failed its moral check.
Apaches arrive

Helicopters support arrives to the surprise of the Warpact players who didnt expect to encounter helicopters (and had their AA support of SA13s too far back to help). The NATO players had purchased a flight of Apaches and planned to use them as long range AT weapons. There was some debate about whether or not they are vulnerable when launching missiles so the Nato player used laser designators to launch missiles while the Apaches stayed out of sight.
Engineers helping out

None of us have used minefields much in the past so we spent a bit of time reading this section of the rules. The Soviets had a single mine clearing vehicle with 3 shots (Electric mine clearer) and a company of engineers. The engineers proved valuable, as they were able to clear a path through the minefield in 2 turns.
Forces streaming through the minefield
Clearing the road

The road between the minefields was cratered so the engineers MTLB (with dozer blades) filled in the crater. The Dragon team nearby wasn't paying attention and the engineers were able to do this without been fired on. Then a platoon of BMPs dashed through and into the village but lost one to a Dragon missile. After the game I realised I need to convert some of my MTLBs to the engineer version.
Soviet scouts breaking through
Table overview at the end
Crossing the minefield
The NVA forces
German town by Timecast
Soviet aircover
Post game comments

The "plan was to form up the infantry on the far side of the minefield,
covered by BM-21 smoke, then attack toward the autobahn (within 1500m).
Confronting them would have been Scimitars and Scorpions I understand,
that were situated on a cross road/rail we had earlier registered as a
BM-24 target. With no opposing infantry I think our chances of reaching
the autobahn were reasonable. However, by the time we packed up, no
clear result had been achieved."
"We were going to shoot and scoot after a fashion but:
1) We kept on getting knocked out after our first shots - I haven't seen so
many 6's and 5's thown for a while
2) The US ACAV's approach of firing smoke from its single 4.2" mortar
doesn't work in the rules - you can't fire smoke from one heavy mortar
barrel. In fact. the single mortar seemed worthless, and yet that's
exactly how the US uses it's mortar in the ACAV platoons
There were two luck artillery shots, one onto the dug-in British infnatry
platoon in their shelter tunnel, and one on the MLRS. On reflection we
should have had the shelter tunnel in the middle of nowhere behind the
town, and the men could have moved in using the communication trenches. It
loses the element of surprise but is safer. Also, we should 'shoot and
scoot' with the MLRS, they were our only artillery and too valuable to lose
- there were plenty of opportunities available and one shot into those
troop concentrations and it was all over.
I thought we did well, we were always going to be overwhelmed frontally and
the M60A3's and M901 TOW were there to pick off the enemy when they
appeared at battle ranges. We had very poor terrain, there was nowhere to
go turret-down for the M901's which made them too vulnerable, and we didn't
want to deploy near the Strikers in case they attracted fire. The
Scorpions and Scimitars were set up to shoot into the flanks of anyone who
penetrated the minefields. We did enough damage with direct fire alone to
repulse several companies. The Apache helicopters didn't kill much but
forced some tactical errors (splitting the T64's) which let to Soviet
casualties, and the 5 elements added to the Soviet side when one was shot
down was largely irrelevant.
The final infantry attack Steve P was lining up after the minefields had
been breached probably would have reached the autobahn eventually, but
canister from the Scorpions and 30mm HE from the Scimitars would have
caused heavy casualties. These were dug in too so it would have been hard
for RPG's to have hit them.
Bogged on the minefields, as we had planned!"