Undead Army
This gallery contains pictures of Irregulars 6mm Undead range. They are a very nice range of figures with good detailing and styling. This is the first fantasy army I have recently reworked with new basing and painting techniques.
I use mostly 6mm figures from Irregular with
a few from larger scales for some of the creatures. I get all of my
figures from Eureka Miniatures
in Australia and they provide very helpful and quick service. I have
also brought some Elves and Goblins Baccus and are
very impressed with the quality.
I find the Irregular figures paint up a lot better than they look and
the fantasy range is one of Irregular's better 6mm ranges, with some of
the characters superb. One of the good things about 6mm is that a lot
of the figures can be used for other races. For example: I use Wood Elf
figures as Human rangers and Human knights as Elvish knights.
I chose this scale because its cheap and because
I like the mass effect of the scale. I found most of the larger scale
games end up looking like skirmish games rather than a mass battle. The
scale also allowed me to build good sized armies at a fraction of the
cost of other scales.
Update 2019 - Since starting this page there has been some new manufacturers enrter the market, with high quality offerings. Microworld and Perfect Six
both have amazing ranges and my plan is to build new armies with their figures and some Irregular and Baccus figures.
The rules I use are Fantasy Rules! 3 by Chipco
which are fantastic and highly recommended. The basing has the same
frontage as 15mm DBM so anyone with 6mm DBM armies can use them without
too much difficulty.
This gallery contains pictures of Irregulars 6mm Undead range. They are a very nice range of figures with good detailing and styling. This is the first fantasy army I have recently reworked with new basing and painting techniques.
Men of the Western Alliance and some of their allies. This page still needs a lot of work to complete and its unknown when that will be.
This Wood Elf gallery has been updated with newly painted figures from Irregular. I hope to add some of the wonderful figures from MicroWorld one day.
I've split the High Elves off into their own gallery from the Wood Elves. I think the Irregular High elf range is one of their best and I really like the style they have developed.
A new gallery containing pictures of Irregulars 6mm Evil Knights along with some figures from their other ranges. The Evil Knights are lovely figures but quite a small range so I have supplemented them with other Mediaeval and fantasy figures. This has been revised with new painting and basing and I have changed the colours a quite lot.
Saurons forces and some of their allies. A lot needs to be added here to have a full army.
A gallery of figures suitable for larger 6mm fantasy creatures. Not all are originally 6mm scale but they do work well for this scale, and it is fantasy!