Post WW2 (Moderns) Terrain Gallery
This page is for my non residential buildings and other city terrain for my late 20th century games! I like to have a few odd buildings which help attract interest from spectators and it gives you an excuse to model something a bit different. Most of them are smaller than what they should be at this scale, otherwise the footprint on the table would be too large.
Click on the thumbnails to see the full sized image
School/ Office buildings construction

When I made these buildings I thought there were 2 separate models. But I found out later are meant to be joined together to created a single building. This confused me as they came with acrylic laser etched backs so I modified them by making the buildings wider using foamboard and cardboard. I also added details to the roofs using pieces of cardboard, brass tubing and random pieces of plastic sprue. Finally some drainpipes were added from copper wire.
Trucking yard - Updated

This model was built a few years ago and is featured here. Recently I have been going through my terrain and repairing and improving them where I can.
The yard was rebuilt with masking tape for concrete (in place of sandpaper) and I added some more containers, boxes and other pieces. These are a mix of Timecast, Leven. Old Crow and H and R. Some parts
were repainted due to wear and tear or just to improve it or bring it in line with current painting style that I use.
Workshop/Garage - Updated

This workshop building is another reconditioned model as the original basing always seemed half complete and poorly though out. The new base is designed to look like a rough workshop or industrial building. I added a shed from Timecast and a small piece of wall, along with some debris from plastic strips. The large oil tank at the front is Timecast and there are some H and R oil drums. The base was not fenced (like a lot of mine are) as it is intended to fit between two larger industrial bases. The main garage was repainted and the base was airbrushed and given brown and black washes to give it a grubby look.
Radio transmitter - NEW

This base uses a radio mast from Gamecraft and a shed from Leven Miniatures. The fencing is brass etched and there is a some more information on this site about that. It is intended to be a simple terrain piece which can also double as an objective. I have left the tower seperate as it is quite weak and easier to store and transport that way. The base is plasticard with masking tape over the top, which is airbrushed.
Construction photos

Here is a some older photos of the yard and buildings during construction, which helps to show how they were made and provide inspiration.
Modern Caryard

This is a scratch built car yard I made for a bit of fun. I brought a pack of 100 plastic cars from ebay and almost 1/3rd were sportcars and resembled a Porsche. So what better than to make a car dealers yard. The construction details are below and the signs were from the internet on a cheap black and white printer.
Modern Caryard construction

The construction materials of the caryard was scrap plastic card, a clear plastic Ipod container, a resin garage from Gamecraft and an old golf tee! The ipod was carefully cut to a smaller size and a back was added with the garage joining on.. The golf tee was cut down to come a raised stand for a car. The sign was made from brass tube with the sign made from plasticard. For the interior I made the floor from a sheet of paper stickers which I lightly painted and then drew some lines on with a pencil to represent slabs of concrete. The pot plants were made from small tubing and clumps of foilage, and the table and chairs from angled plasticard. The edge pieces (around the front of the glass showroom) were from corner shaped plasticard and I added some details on the roof to represent fans etc.
More on the Modern Caryard

The caryard was painted in suitable Porsche colours with a red and silver theme. I kept the weathering to a minimum to represent a modern and clean yard, except at the back near the service area. The front yard was scored to look like concrete and a small concrete lip was added from a strip of plasticard squares.
Factory buildings

I made this large base of buildings as part of an industrial area for my towns. The large brick building is from Timecast and was part of their Stalingrad set. I decided to use it as a railway shed with two rail lines entering from one end. The second building is a Hovels factory which had a very thick base which I disguised by putting gardens around it. The large tank in the corner is from a 1/700th shipyard kits, the smaller one is Timecast and the rest of the bits were from my spares box. You can also see some of the debris that has been added in the closeup and a view of the brick walls made from plasticard. The whole model was heavily weathered to look old and decrepit to match the Timecast building.
Cell Phone tower

The inspiration for this came from a 20mm version that I found on the net (from The Guild forum IIRC). I had a broken 1/700th plastic model of a port crane which I used as the basis for the crane. The rest of it was constructed from the remains of the crane and spare strips of plastic card and parts from 1/72 model kits. It was all mounted onto a plastic base and a fence was added, which is made from brass etching, and the brass etched tree is from Sam Trees.
Motorway roadworks

The bane of any traveller! I constructed this to add an interesting feature to my motorway (see here) The cones are made from plastic rod and glued onto the base. The portaloo is a telephone box from a HO scale lamppost which I added a back to, and painted. The bulldozer and pickup are Heroics and Ros and the dump truck is a Scotia US M35 truck, and the other truck is a Scotia Mercedes truck (not sure which one). The stop go man is a H&R artillery crew and I added the sign onto the top of pole from modelling putty. A pretty simple but colourful layout and reminscent of model railway layouts.

The construction details of this building can be found off the main terrain page. It could really do with some more details, but it is still a useful terrain piece on the tabletop. The tree is from Sam Trees, the power pole is from CNC and the oil drums are from Timecast.
Trucking yard - OLD

A nice simple layout with a good amount of empty space to put your invading forces in! The building is scratch built from plasticard and the blue wall is Irregular and the bricks walls are made from embossed plasticard. The containers and the large drum are from old Crow and the smaller drums and boxes are from Timecast. The truck trailer is scratch built from plastic card. The yard area is made from a piece of sandpaper which I find has a good texture for tarmac although a little overscaled.
Electricity pylons

These were made by Najewitz Modellbaushop and are from a kind of cardboard/wood mix. They are laser cut and require a little bit of assembly. I added some wire in the middle to provide some reinforcing although they are pretty sturdy once they are complete. Overall a lovely model and a great addition to a modern battlefield. Unfortunately these are no longer available.
WW2/Modern Airfield buildings

These buildings are from the Mainly Military range of buildings. The buidlings are purchases separately and I got the Control Tower, Hanger, some supply dumps and blast pens. I think is it based on British designs as the control tower is a very similar to the Airfix version. The models are nice with good details and well cast. One thing I didn't like was the thick bases which the models come with, which make it hard to mount them onto bases. I ground the bases right down to about 1/2mm thick using a sander but that was very time consuming and messy!
More Airfield buildings

The basing was kept pretty simple as I didnt have much of an idea at the time, how I wanted them to look. Also from what I have seen, most airfields don't appear to be cluttered or covered with trees/ bushes etc.
Nissen Huts

This pair of buildings is from Mainly military buildings range and they are nicely detailed. They are useful as Barracks or generic military buildings.
Leven Supply dumps

A number of manufactures make supply dumps in 6mm. These are very useful as objective markers for military installations. These are from Leven Miniatures and are great models each with different features to provide some variety.