Battles and army lists from the Silmarillion for Fantasy Rules 3.

The First Battle The first great battle in the Wars of Beleriand. Elves vs a large force from Morgoth.
The Battle under the Stars The second battle in the Wars of Beleriand. Noldor Elves vs a large force from Morgoth.
The Glorious Battle The third battle in the Wars of Beleriand. Noldor and Edain vs Morgoth.
The Battle of Sudden Flame The fourth battle in the Wars of Beleriand. This scenario is split into to different battles and covers the main actions during this time. Includes Balrogs and Glaurung the Dragon.
The Battle of Unnumbered Tears The final battle in the Wars of Beleriand. A big battle containing all the factions of the war - Mens, Elves, Dwarves vs Orcs, Men, Dragons, Balrogs and Gothmog himself.
First Age Army Lists Army lists for all the battles above. FR2 version