Scotia Collectair Mig15 Fagot
A very good model from Scotia painted in a popular colour scheme. I hand drew the numbers on with a pen because I didnt have any black lettering at the time.
This section shows my growing collection of aircraft from the Korean and Vietnam wars vs the US and its allies. I will be
adding more here because I need large numbers of aircraft to take on the US forces. The rules we use for moderns are Fox Two Reheat by A&A games and C21 by Wessex games.
A very good model from Scotia painted in a popular colour scheme. I hand drew the numbers on with a pen because I didnt have any black lettering at the time.
This colour scheme was nice and quite easy to paint. The only problem is some of the decals are not very bright and diffcult to see clearly.
This is a very nice model from Scotia and I decided to paint it with a very complicated camo scheme. I think the dark blue colour is too dark but I'm not going to repaint it in a hurry!
Another nice colour scheme for this aircraft. You can also see the drop tanks which I made from "Green Stuff" and the help to add to the model IMHO.
This one is painted silver to represent the standard polished metal finish of a lot of Migs. You can also see the drop tanks which are WW2 ones from Scotia and look about right (judging by the pictures I have seen).