Collectair CABB1 50Kg/100Lb Bomb (x10)
These are pretty small and look more like iron bombs for WW2 rather than Modern
I created this page because I found it difficult to find any decent pictures about the
aircraft stores that you can buy for 1/300th scale aircraft. I've added some comments on the
stores which may or may not be helpful. CNC, Scotia, SDD and Skyraider all
make various stores with Skyraider having the biggest range, but they are also the most
difficult to order from. Some of the other companies that make stores that I know of are GHQ,
CNC and SDD but the ranges are limited. Each GHQ aircraft comes with a very nice selection of stores but their models are very
expensive. I believe if you know the sprue number you can order them from GHQ.
If you have any pictures of stores not covered, please email me (along with any info) them
to me so I can add them to this page.br>
These are pretty small and look more like iron bombs for WW2 rather than Modern
These are much larger and fatter than the 50kg bombs and would look too big for most fighter bombers.
A more suitable size drop tank for smaller fighter bomber aircraft.
This is much fatter than the medium drop tank and may be too big for some aircraft.
I haven't seen the small and large torpedeos from Scotia but these are nice (and I've already used the other 4). They are well suited to the Italian (and German) ones as they have the stabliser on the rear of them.
There is only a couple of different types in this pack and they all look like drop tanks. Some look like they have fins but it could be part of the flash from the casting.
They were made from stretched sprue (heated and then stretched) and then the shapes were carved with paper fins. I made them years ago and they still look useable.
These came off some MkII Hurricanes and are excellent quality. Usually you get more than you need in their aircraft packs and end up with some spares. This is good as their models are expensive!
While they don't sell aircraft packs at the time this page was written, a number of their aircraft and helicopters come with addon weapons. These particular weapons came off a Soviet Mil24 Hind and the rocket pods can be used on other ground attack aircraft.
From the Soviet ASM missile pack by CNC. Theres a bit of flash but it comes off very easily and they are great castings.
The other missiles from the CNC pack. Very crisp castings and some can be adapted to air-to-air missiles.