GHQ LeClercs
Very nice models and captures the shape much better than the Scotia or H&R versions I've seen.
These are mostly by Heroics and Ros except where noted. I find the H&R French range one of their
better ranges and that was one of the reasons for building this army. The artillery is
based for WRG 1950-2000 rules and is used to represent off board batteries.
Very nice models and captures the shape much better than the Scotia or H&R versions I've seen.
This is the remastered version and is much better than the old model.
This model has some very nice details but it is hard to see with this paint scheme. Exactly the same size as the Heroics and Ros version.
There is not a lot of difference in terms of detials between this and the GHQ version unless you look very closely. The biggest difference is the roadwheels and the GHQ is much more accurate in that respect.
Another good H&R model, although the GHQ version is tempting but much more expensive.
This is a conversion of the standard VAB APC. The HOT launchers were scratch built to look like the newer Mephisto version of the launcher. I also added some Plasticard shapes to make it look like extra storage boxes on the hull.
French Recce vehicles with MG. A great model from Scotia which captures the VBL very well.
French style mortar by Scotia with Heroics and Ros crew. Lovely model.
This is made from a H&R AMX30 hull with a DCA turret from Scotia. I used the H&R hull because I didn't like the Scotia version as it a very poor model.
This self propelled gun is based on the AMX30 hull and is a very good model. I used the same hull for my AMX30 SPAA vehicles (see above).
A pretty good model from Heroics and Ros and it certainly looks right.